For Our Families » Meals


Meal Program for the 2024-2025 School Year

Breakfast is served from 7:20 - 7:50 am.

Schertz, TX — Families are encouraged to complete the Application for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals, available within your student’s Skyward account.  Our District is Texas College Preparatory or Responsive Education Solution.

RevTrak via Skyward

Founders Classical Academy of Schertz offers RevTrak via Skyward to prepay for meals and various school fees.

Breakfast is $2.75 and Lunch is $4.25.

Third-party food service (Grubhub, Favor, DoorDash) deliveries are not permitted for students. 

Meal Menus

Menus can be found here:

Select Founders Classical Academy - Schertz to view the menu.

Lunch Visitors & Schedule


Founders families are welcome to eat lunch with their students during their scheduled lunch period. All visitors must check-in with a valid ID in the front office before proceeding to lunch. Family members and their student(s) will sit at the designated Family Lunch table to enjoy lunch together.


Arriving on Campus

When you visit our campus this school year, please be patient and prepared. Safety is our top priority. 


  • Visitors should come to the main campus entrance with their ID
  • There, you will find a buzzer and an intercom.
  • Press the buzzer and the receptionist will ask questions about why you are wanting access to the campus and then unlock the door.
  • Once inside, you will need to sign in and present identification that will be scanned and logged.


This protects both the visitor and the students.


If you are going to the lunchroom, a classroom, or volunteering in another part of the school, you will be issued a visitor’s name tag, so people on campus know you are supposed to be on campus.

Birthday Celebrations

Birthday celebrations are allowed for students. The items must be nut-free and store-bought with the ingredient label attached for allergy and safety purposes. Grades K-5th will celebrate during their final recess of the day and grades 6th and up will celebrate during their lunchtime. All birthday treats should be delivered in the morning to the office by the parent. Please see the Campus Handbook for additional details.



Contact Mrs. Cantu at [email protected].