Good uniforms cultivate an atmosphere of studiousness and decorum, minimize distractions, and remind us that we are doing important work. In our appearance, we show our opinions about ourselves, respect for what we are doing, and respect for those with whom we spend our time. Our goal is to minimize distractions and foster a healthy respect for school, for teachers, for fellow students, and for ourselves.
To that end, the school has worked to ensure that uniforms are dignified, durable, and affordable. All students are required to be in their proper uniform whenever they are on campus before, during, and after the normal school day. A student who is repeatedly out of uniform will have consequences.
The color and type of uniform pieces are determined by grade and what you are able to purchase for each grade level. All uniforms must be purchased from the Founders Schertz online store at https://www.landsend.com/, search the approved store by using school number 900186834.
All uniforms must have the child’s name, written in permanent marker, on the interior tag, or, in the case of the PE uniform, on the front name patch. Uniform clothing that is not labeled cannot be returned to the student.
Please refer to the FCA Schertz Parent & Student Handbook for details on dress code requirements.
General Appearance
The goal of the uniform is to present a neat and studious appearance. Fads in hairstyles, clothing or anything designed to attract attention to the individual or to disrupt the orderly conduct of the classroom or campus are not allowed. Garments should be clean and free from tears, or excessive wear. No undergarments should be visible. A white, short-sleeved undershirt may be worn underneath but sleeves cannot extend beyond uniform shirt sleeves. Shirts must be buttoned all the way up, except for the top button.
Overall hair styles should be clean and well groomed. Excessive or distracting hairstyles are not allowed. Hair bows worn by girls should follow the daily uniform color scheme (navy, light blue, white, black, gray, gold, yellow, etc.). Brightly colored and oversized bows that cause a break in the uniformity of the overall appearance should not be worn. Mustaches, beards, and other facial hair must be kept neat and trimmed.
Jewelry and Body Art:
All jewelry should be simple and not distracting. K-8th grade girls may wear earrings that are simple studs. 9th-12th girls may wear earrings that extend no more than ½ inch below the earlobe. Girls may wear no more than one earring per ear. Boys may not wear piercings of any sort. Necklaces are to be tucked inside the student’s polo/oxford, and no choker necklaces are permitted. One bracelet/watch per arm is allowed, but charm bracelets are not permitted. No gauges may be worn in pierced ears, and students may not wear grills on teeth. Tongue rings and other visible body piercings, including nose and eyebrow rings, are not allowed. Visible body tattoos (temporary or permanent) and body art are not allowed. Students may not write or draw on themselves or each other.
Additional Guidelines:
- Shirts are to have sleeves.
- Apparel that is too tight or too short to prevent modesty is not allowed.
- Low-cut apparel is not allowed.
- Girls are to wear sufficient undergarments.
- The following are unacceptable: clothing designed with shoulder straps less than three inches wide, bare midriffs, halters, or bare backs.
Dress Day (Wednesday Uniform)
Every Wednesday has been deemed Dress Day and students should wear the designated pieces:
K-8 students should wear a navy blue polo with their normal uniform bottoms.
9th - 12th students are required to wear designated Dress Day uniforms as follows:
Young men should wear a white oxford shirt, necktie or bow tie, uniform pants, blazer (optional), and approved men’s accessories.
Young Ladies should wear a white oxford shirt, plaid skirt or khaki pants or navy pants, cross tie, blazer (optional), and ladies-approved accessories.
Girls' Daily Uniform
Kindergarten - 5th
- Navy short or long-sleeved polo with the embroidered crest from Lands' End
- Khaki pants from Lands' End with a brown or black belt (belt optional for Kinder)
- Khaki shorts from Lands' End - must be mid-thigh length - with a brown or black belt (belt optional for Kinder)
- Khaki "below the knee" pleated skirt from Lands' End - skirt must be at the kneecap or longer
- Khaki, navy, or black modesty/bike shorts (must be worn under skirts)
6th - 8th
- Navy short or long-sleeved polo with the embroidered crest from Lands' End
- Khaki pants from Lands' End with a brown or black belt
- Khaki "below the knee" pleated skirt from Lands' End - skirt must be at the kneecap or longer
- Khaki, navy, or black modesty/bike shorts (must be worn under skirts)
9th - 12th
- White, short, or long-sleeved oxford shirt from Lands' End. Shirts must be buttoned all the way up, except for the top button. Shirts must be tucked in, neatly, not bloused at all times on campus
- Navy blue or khaki pants from Lands' End with a black or brown belt
- Clear Blue Plaid, below the knee skirt from Lands' End - skirt must be at the kneecap or longer
- Khaki, navy, or black modesty/bike shorts (must be worn under skirts)
Pants should be worn at the waist; they should reach the shoe but not the ground.
Girls' Additional Uniform Pieces
- All skirts must be worn with khaki, navy, or black modesty shorts
- White socks (ankle or knee-length) free of logos or white tights free of patterns. Leggings or footless tights do not qualify as tights and should not be worn.
- Black or brown belt with no embellishment
Indoor Sweater Options (no hoods)
- Navy-only knitted sweater from Lands' End (must be worn with a collared shirt underneath)
- Founders Spirit Store sweatshirt (no hood) allowed indoors worn over uniform shirt
- Letterman jacked allowed indoors for 9th - 12th grade
Boys' Daily Uniform
Kindergarten - 5th
- Navy short or long-sleeved polo with the embroidered crest from Lands' End
- Khaki pants from Lands' End with a brown or black belt (belt optional for Kinder)
- Khaki shorts from Lands' End - must be mid-thigh length - with a brown or black belt (belt optional for Kinder)
6th - 8th
- Navy short or long-sleeved polo with the embroidered crest from Lands' End
- Khaki pants from Lands' End with a brown or black belt
- Khaki shorts from Lands' End - must be mid-thigh length - with a brown or black belt
9th - 12th
- White, short or long-sleeved oxford shirt from Lands' End. Shirts must be buttoned all the way up, except for the top button. Shirts must be tucked in, neatly, not bloused at all times on campus
- Khaki pants from Lands' End with a brown or black belt
- Khaki shorts from Lands' End - must be mid-thigh length - with a brown or black belt
Pants should be worn at the waist; they should reach the shoe but not the ground.
Boys' Additional Uniform Pieces
- All socks must be solid white and free of logos
- Black or brown belt with no embellishment
Indoor Sweater Options (no hoods) - Navy-only knitted sweater from Lands' End (must be worn with a collared shirt underneath)
- Founders Spirit Store sweatshirt (no hood) allowed indoors worn over uniform shirt
- Letterman jacked allowed indoors for 9th - 12th grade
During winter weather, while students are outside, students may wear solid colored coats and jackets that are free of messages, large logos, other school logos, or images.
- Students may not wear sweatshirts, denim jackets, leather jackets, trench coats, or dusters.
- Students may wear Founders Classical Academy archer jackets and letterman jackets indoors, according to guidelines established and distributed by the Athletic Director.
Students in 6th grade and up are required to wear the school PE uniform for gym class. These are only available to purchase from our third-party vendor online store link. Uniforms will be ordered from the online store.
Shoes, Socks, and Tights (K-12th)
Shoes, classroom, and PE must be closed-toed, closed-heeled tennis or dress shoes; shoes and shoelaces must be white, gray, black, navy blue, or brown.
All socks for boys and girls must be solid white, solid navy, or solid black (knee-high allowable for girls) and free of logos. Ladies should wear solid white or navy plain or cable knit tights. Leggings or footless tights do not qualify as tights and should not be worn.
Students may not wear boots, high-heeled shoes, sandals, flip-flops, moccasins, or slippers.
Special Occasions (K-12th)
Check the calendar for Special Occasion uniform dates.
Spirit Sock Days
We celebrate spirit days by wearing designated spirit socks along with the regular uniform.
House Colors
Students in the Secondary School may wear house t-shirts on Spirit Days.
Spirit Friday
Once a month on Spirit Friday students may come to school in FCA Hoplite spirit t-shirts and regular uniform pants, shorts, or skirts.
Backpacks, Purses, and Lunchboxes